Adopted November 10, 2021
Constitution PDF
Article I - Name
This organization shall be known as the Arkansas Institutional Research Organization. Hereafter referred to as AIRO.
Article II - Purpose
The purpose of the AIRO is to:
- Promote excellence in institutional research.
- Create a supportive network to provide professional development opportunities and promote the scholarship of institutional research.
- Encourage a culture of ethical data use among faculty, staff and professionals.
- Facilitate efforts by member institutions and policy-making bodies to improve postsecondary data strategy.
Article III - Membership
- Institutional: Individuals affiliated with the Arkansas Division of Higher Education or any higher education institution recognized by the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board may acquire institutional membership in the AIRO.
- Non-Voting: Any person with responsibility or interest related to institutional research at a higher education institution or agency operating in Arkansas that is not the Arkansas Division of Higher Education or any higher education institution recognized by the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
- Dues: Annual dues for Institutional and Non-Voting membership will be determined by the Board of Directors.
Article IV - Officers
Section I
The AIRO Board of Directors shall consist of a president, a president-elect, a secretary, and a treasurer.
- The president shall:
- Preside over all organizational meetings.
- Call and preside over the Board of Directors.
- Appoint committees as necessary.
- Be responsible for all correspondence issued from the AIRO.
- The president-elect shall:
- Plan the AIRO’s annual conference as head of the local planning committee.
- Serve as chief executive officer in the president’s absence.
- The secretary shall:
- Maintain the membership database.
- Record minutes for the Board of Directors.
- Maintain an archive of the AIRO’s activities, including all resolutions and official correspondence.
- Tally votes that may ensue from the general business meeting held during the AIRO’s annual meeting.
- The treasurer shall:
- Oversee the collection of dues and disbursement of funds.
- Maintain records relating to the AIRO’s finances and give an annual report to the Board of Directors and the Membership.
- The Board of Directors shall:
- Determine the activities and programs of the organization.
- Propose or solicit amendments to this constitution and forward them to the general membership.
- All members of the Board of Directors must be members of the AIRO.
Section II
Election of Officers
- The president will appoint a nominating committee comprised of three AIRO members. The president must submit to the membership a slate of proposed officers no later than ten (10) days prior to the annual meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor during the annual business meeting.
- Only registered members of AIRO attending the annual business meeting will cast ballots for the proposed officers, those selected by a simple majority will take office at the conclusion of the annual meeting.
- Every effort should be made to alternate the presidency between four-year and two-year colleges and universities.
Section III
Additional Appointments
- A webmaster shall be appointed by the president to maintain an organizational website.
- Additional appointments may be made by the president as needed.
Article IV - Revising the Constitution
This constitution may be changed upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and a majority vote of members attending the annual meeting.